Participation in international guidelines
Citepa is an expert reference body for greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions inventories. In this context, it monitors and participates in the development and updating of the various rules and guidelines on issues of estimation methodology, accounting methods and reporting of emissions, discussed at international and European level.
Participation in the 2019 revision of the IPCC 2016 guidelines
The Citepa participated in the 2019 revision (Refinement) of the IPCC 2006 version guidelines on methodologies for estimating greenhouse gas emissions and removals for the preparation of national inventories. Citepa has been involved as an author (Céline Gueguen, expert in waste treatment) in improving the chapter on wastewater treatment and discharge. Etienne Mathias, expert in the agriculture-forestry sector, also took part in the 49th session of the IPCC in Kyoto (12 May 2019) as a member of the French delegation, for the official adoption of this Revision.
The Citepa is part of the editorial committee of the IPCC database on GHG emission factors (IPCC EFDB), which compiles inputs from different countries, researchers and other organizations on emission factors and other parameters for GHGs. This committee meets one week a year to review new emission factor proposals and advise on the admissibility of these data before their inclusion in the database.
Participation in the TFEIP on air pollutants
Citepa is a member of the Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections (TFEIP), which, under the aegis of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), is responsible for the EMEP/EEA guide of good practice on emission inventories of air pollutants. Citepa is also co-chair of the TFEIP Expert Group on Emission Projections. The TFEIP meets every year around May for 2 to 3 days to review developments in international guidelines on methodologies and reporting.