Descriptive file Annual report
Find back the expertise of Citepa and of our teams during our events, special moments of technical and strategic exchanges on air and climate issues
Annual workshop 2022
Each year, Citepa organizes a conference day on a current topic, both scientific symposium and place of technical exchanges and political discussions. The annual conference is a privileged moment to meet the experts of the subject.
Adaptation to climate change – Monitoring, reporting, evaluation
Online workshop
30 september 2022 – 9 am-1 pm
Context :
Through its article 13, the Paris Agreement established the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETS) to regularly measure the progress made by countries to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change. The expected reporting covers in particular the field of adaptation, although there is not yet a standardised methodological framework for monitoring, reporting and evaluation (MRE) of adaptation policies and measures.
The multi-sectoral and long-term dimensions of climate change as well as the uncertainties associated with adaptation scenarios make the MRE of adaptation particularly complex. However, a certain number of initiatives (academic research programmes, pilot approaches) are being launched by the Parties to the UNFCCC, in particular in connection with National Adaptation Plans and Nationally Determined Contributions, in an attempt to build new methodological reference systems. A consolidation of the various works in this field is underway, in preparation for the Global Stocktake report, in order to allow a follow-up of the progress made on a global scale, as well as a comparative approach over time and between countries.
It is in this perspective that Citepa wished to position its annual workshop on the MRE issues of adaptation, at the international and national levels. Citepa accompanies international actors on this crucial theme, which is constantly evolving. Following the example of its MRV air-climate-energy activities, Citepa specialises in the monitoring and evaluation of adaptation actions.
We therefore propose a half-day of presentations and exchanges with key players in the field of adaptation (national and international dimensions): the aim is to present the technical and financial issues involved in the monitoring-reporting-evaluation of adaptation and to highlight methodological avenues based on feedback and concrete cases.
Previous annual conferences
2019 : Interactions and benefits of climate, air quality and energy action
On 12 June 2019, Several qualified experts from France, Europe, China and India, came to present their experience and recommendations to integrate actions. The main aspects have been reviewed: organisational, technical, scientific and policy ; public- and private-sector contributions ; from all administrative levels. This conference has been the opportunity to examine the links between the various policies and their capacity to strengthen synergies in order to reduce adverse impacts more rapidly and to meet climate, air quality and energy strategy experts and decision-makers.
2018 : Nitrogen atmospheric compounds (NOx, NH3 and N2O): short-term challenges
On 15 May 2018, Citepa’s annual conference was on the subject “Nitrogen atmospheric compounds (NOx, NH3 and N2O): short-term challenges”. It brought together more than 120 people. The conference made it possible to overview several aspects of the subject: the nitrogen cycle and the emissions trends, the behavior of nitrogen compounds in the atmosphere, the health and ecosystem impacts, the policies set up to limit emissions at the French and European levels, the mobility law under preparation, feedbacks from issuing sectors. A specific point has been made on the NH3 emissions from agriculture. Among the speakers were representatives of the Ministry of Ecology (MTES), the Ministry of Agriculture (MAA), the European Commission (DG Environment), the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), the French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (INERIS), Citepa , the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the major research and training player in the fields of energy, transport and the environment (IFPEN), the industry (EDF), the Ile-de-France Regional Department of the Environment and Energy (DRIEE), and professional organizations (Chambres d’agriculture France, Uniclima). The quality of the presentations and the richness of the debates coming from many questions of the participants, allowed to clarify the problematic, to deepen the issues and to release perspectives.
2017 : 2050 climate action targets: from Factor 4 to carbon neutrality / Reductions - sinks and 'negative emissions' - international credits?
At the high-level segment of the COP-22 opening ceremony, France decided to take the lead in a coalition “carbon neutrality by 2050”. It therefore joined Germany in this objective of zero net emissions (ZEN) on the national territory. In order to open up this debate and to objectify it, Citepa, in partnership with Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE), met on 17 May 2017 with stakeholders concerned by this challenge. Public decision-makers, researchers and experts, representatives of companies and associations, presented their approaches during a particularly interactive conference. Presentations and debates provided a better understanding of the challenges of this ambitious goal. The conference examined how to articulate political, economical and technological solutions.
2016 : Pollutant Emissions and Air Quality: Complex Relationships
Emissions of air pollutants tend to decrease in France, as in Europe. However, air quality problems persist. In fact, the air concentrations of these pollutants may exceed limit values, as well as information and warning thresholds, in particular for PM10 and NOx. The Citepa conference provided a better understanding of the phenomena that can occasionally lead to high levels of concentrations (measured locally), which are not highly linked to emissions (estimated at national and annual levels). Experts from French research laboratories, the French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (INERIS), Air Quality Monitoring Associations (AASQA) and others have provided their insights.
2015 : Mitigating climate change: how scenarios, modelling and strategies can contribute
Beyond the challenge for the planet, mitigating climate change offers major scientific, technical and economic prospects. What positive insights do national and subnational mitigation plans provide? Leading players and international experts in France, Germany, Belgium and Africa presented the types of modelling and scenarios used in national mitigation strategies. These works involve in multi-sectoral scientific and technological expertises. Drawing on several case studies at national level and projects such as Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) or Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDs), mitigating climate change provides extensive opportunities to both public- and private-sector policymakers and other key stakeholders.
Citepa breakfasts
The Citepa offers, exclusively for its members and some exceptional guests, a new formula for sharing information on scientific topics related to air quality and climate change: the Citepa breakfasts (usualy in French). Initiated at the end of 2018, this new formula is a great success because of the diversity of the topics covered, the quality of the presentations and the possibility of real exchanges, in a very convivial format (around a real breakfast, a meeting of 20 people maximum).