Capacity-building for emission inventories – sectoral approach
Citepa thus has recognised expertise in carrying out these inventories at regional level (as leader of the Territorial Inventory Coordination Poles and contributor to territorial methodologies), at national level (as state operator for carrying out national inventories), and at European and international level (as auditor of national inventories and as an active participant in improving international methods). With the expertise of its inventory experts, Citepa trains many people in the implementation of inventory systems, MRV aspects of inventories and the understanding and implementation of GHG and air pollutant emissions inventory methods. The training courses are aimed at both inventorists and decision-makers (staff of Ministries or agencies in charge of a specific sector), to provide them with an understanding of the inventories.
Training is generally carried out in the destination country but can be carried out in France when accompanied by a study trip and observations of the French inventory system. They are often accompanied by an activity to support countries in the implementation of calculation methodologies. The training courses are adapted to the level and needs of the audience for which they are intended. In the case of inventorists, they aim at the autonomy of the participants in terms of understanding the methods but also in terms of application and improvement of these methods. To this end, these training courses are intended to be practical, with local examples, and leave room for the implementation of what has been learned during the training course through joint exercises. Maximum interactivity between participants and the trainer is encouraged through direct exchanges and discussion times. The training courses are thus enriched by the feedback from previous participants from countries with similar national contexts.
Examples of countries
- Cote d’Ivoire
- Cameroon
- Algéria
- Morocco
- Cambodia
- Guinea-Bissau
- Comores
- Mexico