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Possible extension of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) to the road transport and the buildings sectors: publication of a study report implying Citepa
19 January 2022

As presented by the Commission on July 2021 within the “fit for 55” package, options for a possible inclusion of CO2 emissions into an emissions trading system of the road transport and/or buildings sectors are considered. In this context, a study was conducted to assess the relevance and the impacts of the identified options in […]

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Air pollution commitments
14 December 2021

Despite recurring air quality problems, pollutant emissions are decreasing. However, the limits for concentrations in ambient air of NO2, particles (PM10) and ozone are still not respected everywhere in France, especially in large urban areas and when atmospheric conditions keep from dispersing pollutants or increase their formation. Thus, pollution episodes regularly occur in winter and […]

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Climate commitments
6 February 2020

  France emitted more than 432 million tonnes of greenhouse gases in 2017, in CO2 equivalent. France has made the commitment of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and has set out the target of reaching, in 2050, carbon neutrality – that is, not to emit more than it absorbs in carbon sinks (forests, soils …). […]

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15 October 2019

Scientific articles and communications, memories Boutang J., Feutren E., Bachelet B., Lacomme C., (2020). Climate change adaptation: operational taxonomy and metrics. MDPI. Download the pdf file on André M., Redaelli M., André J.M., Charron A., Gagnepain L., Honoré C., Moukthar S., Sartelet K., Brasseur A., Léger C. , (2019). Impact sur la pollution atmosphérique […]

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CITEPA members
2 November 2017

The Citepa is an not-for-profit organisation under the 1901 Charities Act comprising members who are legal persons. The members, represented by a person from their entity, elect the Board of directors for 3 years. It is the governing body of the association. It meets 3 times a year. The Board of directors comprises directors who […]

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