

Strengthening Pakistan’s capacity on climate transparency

Paris Agreement requirements for reporting on climate action

Through its Article 13, the Paris Agreement established the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) to regularly measure the progress made by countries to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change. Expected content of the Biennal Transparency Reports (BTR) – 1st BTR to be published by December 2024 – cover the different pillars of climate actions and commitments: Inventory, Mitigation and Adaptation actions, and Support (Finance, Capacity Building, Technology Transfer, Transparency Strengthening).  Although the Government of Pakistan has made considerable effort to report information and progress on climate action in general, the implementation of a tracking framework is needed to help Pakistan comply with upcoming ETF reporting requirements, in synergy and consistency with the national strategic and policy framework.


Our project for Pakistan

Through the Climate Transparency project – Citepa and OiEAU in collaboration with GIZ, is supporting the government of Pakistan and the Global Change Impact Studies Centre ( for developing a full Transparency framework – including a web tracking & reporting platform. This framework will help strengthen the institutional capacities in the country – national and provincial scales – in climate transparency; it covers the inventory component as well as the mitigation and adaptation components of the ETF. The project started in 2021 and is still on-going; a series of webinars have been conducted in 2022 and can be viewed on the websites of the project’s partners (links).

The “Climate Transparency Project” is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.“

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A series of capacity-building webinars have been conducted and cover the following thematics:

  • Adaptation Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation (MRE): methodological background
  • Assessment of GHG impact of mitigation Actions, Policies and Measures: Overview of concepts, methodologies, methods and tools; the GHG Protocol Policy and Action Standard
  • Assessment of GHG impact of mitigation Actions – Sectorial case studies: the Energy supply Sector, the Transport Sector, the AFOLU Sector – Agriculture and Forestry
  • HFCs calculation methods to estimate emissions
  • RISQ tracking platform_Mitigation module
  • RISQ tracking platform_HFC calculator
  • RISQ tracking platform_ Adaptation module


Adaptation Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation (MRE): methodological background

Assessment of GHG impact of mitigation Actions, Policies and Measures: Overview of concepts, methodologies, methods and tools; the GHG Protocol Policy and Action Standard

Assessment of GHG impact of mitigation Actions – Sectorial case studies: the Energy supply Sector, the Transport Sector, the AFOLU Sector – Agriculture and Forestry

HFCs calculation methods to estimate emissions

RISQ tracking platform_Mitigation module

RISQ tracking platform_HFC calculator

RISQ tracking platform_ Adaptation module