

How to set up a national MRV system for monitoring GHG inventory? A mission conducted by Citepa experts in Zambia

Following a first mission carried out in 2019 in Zambia, Citepa is now in charge of training and capacity building of local experts. This project aims at building a complete MRV system which includes monitoring of GHG inventories and setting up the enhanced transparency framework in relation with Paris Agreement. This mission is funded by AFD and carried out in collaboration with Enerdata. The objective of the AFD support is to build national capacity to:

  • More effectively and efficiently compile future inventories in-house using Tier 2 methodologies;
  • Support relational cross-sectoral analysis and reporting;
  • Manage timely submission of National Communications to the UNFCCC;
  • Develop a cross-sectoral Domestic MRV System to be housed at national scale.

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